To access the proposed Liberty Hill ISD 2024/2025 budget, please visit the LHISD budget webpage.

Proposition A:

Liberty Hill ISD voters will consider increased funding for local public schools in an election on November 5. Over the last six years, the Liberty Hill ISD Board of Trustees has lowered the total tax rate by 37 cents. However, Liberty Hill ISD has experienced reductions in state and federal funding streams, as well as high inflation. The School Funding Election would add 6 pennies back onto the tax rate in order to increase educator salaries and maintain instructional and extracurricular programs.

LHISD has faced state and funding reductions, as well as high inflation.

The state has not increased the core unit of education funding — the Basic Allotment — since 2019. In addition, the state has reduced a funding stream specifically for fast-growing districts such as Liberty Hill ISD, and a key federal funding program is expiring.

At the same time, growth and inflation have driven costs higher. In recent years, LHISD weathered cost increases of 83% for utilities, 176% for fuel, and 172% for insurance.

LHISD has already reduced expenses by $2 million.

The district has exhausted options for reducing expenses without impacting the teaching workforce. In response to fiscal challenges, the district has cut $2 million in expenses. The School Funding Election seeks to prevent further cuts, including those that could reduce the teacher workforce by 10 percent and impact instructional and extracurricular programs.

Prop A allows LHISD to provide teacher raises
and maintain educational programs.

Proposition A would provide additional funding for education compensation. Higher teacher salaries will help the district retain and attract quality teachers in a highly competitive marketplace. Funding from Proposition A would also help maintain instructional and extracurricular programs.

The LHISD tax rate has decreased 37 cents over the past six years. Proposition A would add back 6 pennies.

If voters approve Proposition A, the total tax rate will be $1.22 per $100 property valuation. In 2018, the total tax rate was $1.53. Approval of Proposition A would increase the monthly tax payment on the median home in LHISD (valued at $462,264) by $18.11 per month.

Homeowners who are 65 and older may be protected
from changes in their tax payments.

Homeowners who have received a tax-payment freeze because they are at least 65 years old or they have a disability would see no increase in their school tax payments under Prop A, provided they make no substantial improvements to their home.

Proposition B:

Proposition B authorizes the district to make required state payments.

Prop B authorizes LHISD to make payments to the state that are required by law as part of the recapture system. The district makes those payments by purchasing “attendance credits.”

If the district does not vote to purchase attendance credits, the state can permanently remove some property from LHISD for tax purposes. For example, the state could direct some of the largest businesses in Liberty Hill to pay their school taxes to a different school district, rather than keeping those dollars in LHISD.

Photo of Texas State Capitol Building